Hello everyone, and welcome back to Dragon’s Demize! On this week’s episode, Jakub and Greg offer some tips to tabletop RPG players looking to improve their gaming experiences. The topic range from ways to get comfortable with a new system, to working more collaboratively with your GM, to being conscientious of your fellow players. We hope you enjoy the list, and, as always, please let us know if you have any suggestions that we didn’t touch on!
We also talk about what we’ve been playing. On the docket this week: Illuminati, Mystic Vale, and Legend of the Five Rings!
Thank you to Agata Poniatowski for the Artwork and Strangelette for the music. For more information about Dragon’s Demize, or to let us know your ideas, check us out on Facebook, Discord, and Google+. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content over on our Youtube channel or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.