Welcome one and all to Dragon’s Demize! This week’s review: Kingdom Builder! Kingdom Builder is a relatively territory control game in which the goals and abilities change every time. The core of the game involves building settlements on different types of terrain. Each player can place three settlements per turn. Additional abilities and points are earned by building next to special structures unique to each modular section of the board. Final scoring is based on a set of criteria chosen at random at the beginning of each game. Kingdom Builder offers some solid gameplay and tons of replayability. Check out the full review for more thoughts!
Also this week is Tales from the Tabletop. Greg and Jakub recount their adventures from our first session of Starfinder!
Thank you to Agata Poniatowski for the Artwork and Strangelette for the music. For more information about Dragon’s Demize, or to let us know your ideas, check us out on Facebook, Discord, and Google+. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content over on our Youtube channel or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.