Hey listeners! As you may have seen from our Facebook posts and Youtube videos, Dragon’s Demize went to Origins 2018! We had such an amazing time and did so many incredible things that we couldn’t hope to cram it all into one episode. Today, we’re recapping the Origins experience: everything from the people we met and the interviews we had to the food in Columbus. Everyone we met made us feel so welcomed, and we hope that this episode can convey even a fraction of the excitement and gratitude we feel after our first Origins together as a podcast. Tune in and listen to their stories.
But this is only part one! Next week, we’ll be talking about the most important thingat Origins: the games! We played literally dozens of games, so it’s going to be a jam-packed episode. Don’t miss it!
Thank you as always to O Abnormal and Agata Poniatowski for the artwork and Strangelette for the music. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to hear more from Dragon’s Demize, you can find us on Facebook, Google+, and Discord. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content on Youtube or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.