Hello listeners. Today we’re bringing you a very special episode of Dragon’s Demize. March 8 was International Women’s Day, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about the importance of positive female representation in board games. Lesley joins Greg and Jakub for a look at some of the games we think do a standout job in this area, including Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn, Scythe, and Dragon & Flagon. This episode is in no way comprehensive, and representation is only one aspect of making gaming an inclusive hobby. But we are excited to be a part of these conversations, and we encourage you to share some of your favorite games with an abundance of well-characterized female characters.
Thank you to Agata Poniatowski for the Artwork and Strangelette for the music. For more information about Dragon’s Demize, or to let us know your ideas, check us out on Facebook, Discord, and Google+. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content over on our Youtube channel or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.